About us


Together, our voice is strong and powerful

The Voice of Milk is a collaboration between Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, the Dairy Business Association and the Minnesota Milk Producers Association, working together to bring the voice of milk to communities, congress and consumers. With the strength of 1,400+ dairy farmers, the Voice of Milk dairy farmers and industry supporters, the Voice of Milk is the only multi-state association speaking only on behalf of dairy farmers

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Our Mission

We leverage the strengths of each organization and align resources to serve our members efficiently and to advocate for them effectively while at the same time maintaining our own individual goals and objectives.

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Our Why

We love the dairy community, and we want to see our farm families and allied businesses succeed. That’s challenging without sensible, scientifically sound and sustainable policies and regulations at the local, state and federal levels.

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Who We Serve

We collectively serve the members of the individual organizations that make up the Voice of Milk, including dairy farmers, agri-businesses, dairy product processors and other supporters.

We are the Voice of Milk.

Here's how we're different: The Voice of Milk is a multi-state collaboration advocating solely on behalf of dairy farmers, without additional pressure from conflicting interests, we are small but mighty, with the ability to pivot quickly without rigid guidelines, and we represent all sizes and management styles of dairy farms.

Minnesota Milk was founded.

Minnesota Milk was founded in 1977 when a group of dairy farmers joined together to ensure they had a collective voice in policy conversations.

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Dairy Business Association was founded.

DBA is a nonprofit organization of Wisconsin dairy farmers, milk processors and business partners who work together to boost the state's dairy community. DBA represents more than 250,000 cows in Wisconsin and has over 650 members. 

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Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative was founded.

Founded in 2010 as the Dairy Business Milk Marketing Cooperative, Edge has advanced to one of the top cooperatives in the country in terms of milk volume represented.

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Voice of Milk was formed.

Edge, DBA and Minnesota Milk committed to amplifying the voice of dairy farmers - the voice of milk - throughout our communities, in Congress and within the dairy supply chain.


Our journey's just beginning

Learn more about partnering with us as we align resources, drive efficiency, and advocate for our members, all while maintaining individual goals and objectives. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

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